Assassins creed origins geld cheat
Assassins creed origins geld cheat

assassins creed origins geld cheat assassins creed origins geld cheat

by default, the custom rate of fire is 0.001 (level 4 Rate of Fire of a Light Bow is 0.55). setting custom rate of fire to zero would use the standard rate of fire the game use (slower). when activated, it forces the game to use the specified custom rate of fire. may works on Enemies when they use these 2 types of bows as well, not tested. works on both Hunter Bow and Warrior Bow. works on all melee weapons, including "unarmed". allows you to use Overpower Attack any time, regardless of how much adrenaline (both blue and yellow bar) you have. don't set it smaller than 0.5 block of health and you should be fine. beware of the continuous-damage though (e.g., poison, on-fire, etc.), they may kill you if you set the min health block too low (depends on your level). most, if not all, script-kill should be covered. health will stop decreasing when it reaches the "min health block" threshold specified. health still drop when being hit but you won't die. moved slow motion on bow aim out from the the enable script, as I removed the lua script that enable the CE's speedhack from the script. updated many scripts, all the scripts can be activated in-game now, (though, again, not thoroughly tested.). Assassin´s Creed: Origins - Table for Cheat Engine +20 v1.21 Update 18.1

Assassins creed origins geld cheat