Mount and blade nord invasion
Mount and blade nord invasion

mount and blade nord invasion

She does not want direct power for herself, but rather the Emperor's only child, a daughter named Ira. The Southern Empire is led by Empress-Regent Rhagea, the wife of the Emperor. This fractured the Empire into three different factions each vying to appoint their own leaders as the true Emperor. Before he could appoint a successor to the throne, however, he was assassinated in his sleep. The last emperor was regarded as a great ruler, though he was reluctant to appoint an heir to the Empire. After Bannerlord, they overthrow the Khan and assert themselves as the true Khans. The Khergits are a clan within the Khuzait Khanate. Now the Khuzaits are united beneath one Khan, ready to trample Calradia beneath their mighty hooves. Khuzait clans have raided and traded in Imperial land for decades, living independant of any Khan. The Khuzait are steppe-nomads from the far East.

mount and blade nord invasion

After the events of Bannerlord, Banu Sarran overthrows Banu Hulyan and replaces them as Sultans. Banu Sarran is a clan within the Aserai, the ancestors of the Sarranids. With the recent fracture of the Empire, they've banded beneath one Sultan to pillage and conquer the Empire. They've mostly lived under the indirect control of the Empire for centuries, with the Empire paying vast sums of wealth to those who control the Naharan oases. The Aserai live within the vast Southern desert known as the Nahara. After Bannerlord, Battania as a nation is completely wiped from Calradia and their peoples are assimilated by the various kingdoms in Warband. Battanian archers are regarded as the best in Calradia. For centuries they've slowly been losing more and more of their territory, leaving them where they are now, with little land. The original inhabitants of Calradia, the Battanians are a dying people. The Vagirovids are a clan within Sturgia, speculated to be the ancestors of the Vaegirs. Eventually, the Nords fully invade and wind up creating the Kingdom of the Nords and Vaegirs. There's not much else written about them, I think. They don't like kings, but they need someone to rule, so they put a figurehead with power as their leader. The Principality of Sturgia is made up of former steppe-nomads, Nordic adventurers, and likely a good portion of Battanians. After Bannerlord, Vlandia would become Swadia, which eventually led to the birth of the Rhodoks. Eventually the Vlandiansr rebelled, conquering the Imperial capital of Baranavos (Praven). This worked in the Empire's favor, for a time at least.

mount and blade nord invasion

So, they began paying the Vlandians with land and titles. They initially worked for the Empire's silver, but the Empire never had enough to pay them. The Vlandians were originally travelers, adventurers, and mercenaries from another continent. As everyone has already explained their cultural influence, I will now shove lore down your throat.

Mount and blade nord invasion