Civ 6 list of civs
Civ 6 list of civs

Great Andean Road: Units ignore terrain costs when moving into any tile with Hills. Borrow City names from other in-game Civs. Scourge of God: Raze Cities at double speed. Hellenic League: City-State Influence degrades at half and recovers at twice the normal rate. Spirit of Adwa: Combat bonus (+20%) when fighting units from a Civilization with more Cities than Ethiopia.Ĭity of Light: Museum and World Wonder theming bonuses are doubled in their capital.įuror Teutonicus: Upon defeating a Barbarian unit inside an encampment, there is a 67% chance you earn 25 Gold and they join your side. Sun Never Sets: +2 Movement for all naval units. Monument Builders: +20% Production towards Wonder construction. Melee units pay no movement point cost to pillage. Viking Fury: Embarked units have +1 Movement and pay just 1 movement point to move from sea to land. Bonus increases to +2 Faith in Cities with 3 or more adjacent unimproved Forest tiles.Īrt of War: The Great General combat bonus is increased by 15%, and their spawn rate is increased by 50%.

civ 6 list of civs

Units may cross mountains after the first Great General is earned, taking 50 HP damage if they end a turn on a mountain.ĭruidic Lore:+1 Faith per city with an adjacent unimproved Forest.

civ 6 list of civs

Phoenician Heritage: All coastal Cities get a free Harbor. Patriarchate of Constantinople: Choose one more Belief than normal when you found a Religion. Earn Great Artists, Musicians, and Writers 50% faster during their Golden Ages. Earn Great Scientists 50% faster.Ĭarnival: Tourism output is +100% during their Golden Ages. Ingenuity: Receive free Great Scientist when you discover Writing. Sacrificial Captives: Gains Culture for the empire from each enemy unit killed. Gaining a city through a trade deal does not count, and it can only happen once per enemy city.ĭiplomatic Marriage: Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your ally for 5 turns. Treasures of Nineveh: When a city is conquered, gain a free Technology already discovered by its owner. Your trade routes spread the home city’s religion twice as effectively. Ships of the Desert: Caravans gain 50% extended range.

civ 6 list of civs

Manifest Destiny: All land military units have +1 sight. However, in order to prevent leaders from becoming too-predictable, these traits have the potential to be changed slightly and weighted differently before a new game begins, keeping diplomacy fresh. In addition, every leader has a semi-unique “personality”, consisting of traits that determine their in-game behavior.įor example, Elizabeth of the English, a historical naval power, emphasizes a pursuit of naval dominance and the choices she makes reflects this desire. There are 43 civilizations in Civ5, each with its own leader and unique unit.

Civ 6 list of civs